Routinely at this time of year I hear my inner voice say, “Ok. Now. Just one more thing, and then I can stop and relax.” I really believe this. Inwardly, I smile a big grinchy smile, looking forward to stopping the doing. I make a solid effort. I don my cosiest crepuscular apparel, strategically plant myself before tree and T.V., with Christmas cheer in hand – success, right? Wrong. My mind, like a Christmas sweatshop, is in overdrive grinding out instructions to be completed for the next week. And sometimes, just for good measure, I throw in a dash of regret and worry to really fuel the Yule log. I suspect that I am not alone in this scenario.
Last week I covered how Bowen therapy facilitates physical relaxation by assisting your body’s autonomic nervous system (A.N.S.), to switch into the parasympathetic mode (P.N.S.) of relax and repair. But what about mental relaxation? As I outlined in the previous paragraph, though someone has the outward appearance of being relaxed, on the inside, it is another matter entirely. Personally speaking, to even approach complete relaxation, I have to be consciously aware of my rambling thoughts which can elicit discontent, ultimately leading to stress. I believe a unified effort of both body and mind provides the best strategy to finding and walking upon the road of healing change. Since, everyone is unique and distinct, so shall their course of action be in attaining complete relaxation. My Christmas wish for you… relax. Discover your course, stick to it, change it, tweak it, blow it up but start again, and try not to pass judgement on others’ courses. Quote from the Upanishads “You are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. As is your intention, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your destiny.” Wishing you all a lovely and enjoyable holiday season.
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Photos by Eme Woo